Meet Sarah

Sarah Veitenthal

Sarah is a mother to three children and resides on a farm in the foothills of the Blue Ridge Mountains. She has a B.A. in Philosophy and an International Montessori M.S. Degree in Infant and Toddler Development. She has been a Montessori Guide and Consultant for ten years, running an Infant and Toddler classroom and Parent Education forum. Sarah is a Post Partum Doula, Birth Educator, and Maternal Specialist. After many years of working with parents and children together in a school setting, Sarah decided to create Madrona Wellness in order to provide more specialized care for families with infants and young children. She focuses on simplistic parenting, Montessori ideals, natural healing, and whole body and mind development. Sarah is a budding herbalist and enjoys growing herbs and foraging on her farm.